Walking Club

Happy New Year!
Our first walk for 2025 will be Thursday, January 9, leaving the community center at 9:00.
Hope to see you there.

October Council Meeting Cancelled

We will be canceling our normal October meeting to allow our new Chief Administrative Officer time to get accustomed to her new role.

Special Meeting of Council

Thursday October 3rd, 7:30pm Topic: Resolution for new CAO and second signing authority. The meeting is open to the public

Public Meeting – December 20, 2023


The Rural Municipality of Warren Grove will hold a Public Meeting
Wednesday, December 20, 2023 at Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Community Hall, 7 Mill Road, Warren Grove

Proposed change of use for PID# 721746 and PID# 721738, 1825 North York
River Road from a former siding & insulation operation to a proposed auto repair
and sales site. Subject properties are presently zoned Commercial.
All residents are invited to attend to hear the proposal and provide comments.
Individuals wishing to comment in writing are invited to send comments to the Rural
Municipality of Warren Grove, at 7 Mill Road, Warren Grove, C0A 1H5 or by email to
communityofwarrengrove@gmail.com by 4:00 p.m. on December 20, 2023.

Craft Fair Vendors

We are looking for vendors for the Warren Grove craft fair. There is no charge for tables and the craft fair will take place November 18th 9-4pm. If interested please reach out.

RESCHEDULED – Council Meeting

The Council meeting originally scheduled for Monday October 16, 2023 has been rescheduled to Thursday, October 5, 2023. The meeting will take place at 7PM at the Municipal Hall – 7 Mill Rd, Warren Grove. All are welcome.

Presentation – Hall Grounds Projects

Council invites you to provide feedback on projects planned to improve the Warren Grove Hall grounds. 

The potential projects totaling $126,000 (pending $73,500 grant decision) include: cleanup and clearing of trees, a multi-use sports pad, a new play structure, path to the cemetery, repositioning the road sign, new picnic tables and benches, etc. 

The presentation will be tomorrow evening, July 25 at 7pm at the Municipal Hall (7 Mill Rd.) 

All are welcome!